Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunday, September 30th.

Sunday, September 30th: Todays miles = 24.9 . Total PCT miles = 2,399.5. Miles remaining = 264.

Today was another late start and another late night! It was a rough 24.9 miles today! Although, the weather was BEAUTIFUL! I wouldn't have dared to ask for a better day. During the afternoon I actually took my pants off and went down to my hiking skirt. I didn't realize how dirty my legs were until that moment. There were also new muscles that have appeared in my legs that I have not noticed until today because I've had them covered for so long. Today was a good mood day; a "sad the trail is ending" day.

It is Fall and the mountains are behaving to the season! The trees have become an amazing array of colors and textures. The ground is crisp and chill. The smell of Autumn is everywhere; there is no escaping it. I'm not complaining in the slightest. Autumn is my favorite season by far and I am throughly enjoying being in the wilderness for it. I'm from Buffalo. We don't have a 'season' of Fall, we have the 'week' of Fall. It's Autumn in Buffalo for one week (give or take) and then it snows. So, having the season be so prevalent out here is a wonderful experience!

I walked most of the day muttering to myself things like "Amazing, simply amazing", "How beautiful", Holy shit, look at those colors" and so forth. I would hike todays hike 10 times over just to see those colors again! I couldn't tell you what mountains I hiked over today or where even I was exactly. All I knew was that I was in Washington on a beautiful day being smothered with Autumn, and I loved every minute of it!

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